Tag Archives: Medicinal Properties of Crocoite Stone

Crocoite Stone

Healing Crystal Crocoite Stone Medicinal and Magical Properties

  • October 21, 2018


The name Crocoite comes from the Greek word crocos – saffron. Other names for the mineral and its varieties: Siberian red lead ore, Siberian red lead, crocoisite, callochrome, lemanite.

According to the generally accepted definition, crocoite is a mineral of chemical composition Pb [CrO4] (69.06% PbO, 30.94% CrO3). Sometimes contains impurities of silver, zinc. It crystallizes in the monoclinic system, forming elongated prismatic or acicular crystals. The color is bright orange-red. Is fragile. The crystals are translucent. Glitter – diamond. Hardness on a mineralogical scale of 2.5 – 3.0; density is 5990-6000 kg / cm3. It is formed in the oxidation zone of polymetallic lead-zinc ore deposits occurring in ultrabasic rocks (chromium sources) or in close proximity to them. The most famous crocoite is from the Berezovskoye deposit (the Urals), which forms brushes of crystals in the cracks of the berezite, as well as from the deposit from about. Tasmania.

The main deposits: Russia, Australia, California.

Medicinal properties

In ancient times, folk healers believed that Crocoite treats women for infertility. Nowadays, healers believe that this mineral can not only positively affect the reproductive sphere of the female body, but also normalize the work of all urinary organs, as well as the intestines. Some experts in alternative medicine believe that, thanks to its red-orange color, Crocoite improves memory, improves tone and mood.

Crocoite affects the navel chakra.

Magical properties

Mineralogs are called crocoit – stone-clown. He constantly amuses his owner, creates a good mood for him, and gives him wit and ingenuity in entertainment. The bright color of crocoit attracts the attention of others. It simply fascinates the views of people, which helps the crocoite owner to always be the center of attention.

Women need to be very careful in choosing jewelery with this gem. Crocoite stone is able to endow them with such sexual attractiveness that there will be no end to the fans. However, a little sympathetic representative of the weaker sex can do a good service — from an ugly duckling, into a beautiful swan in the eyes of men. But women will envy their seemingly inconspicuous rivals and try in every way to prevent their success.

Wearing crocoit in earrings develops acting and oratorical talents, in the ring – musical abilities. Experts recommend wearing crocoit in the form of a pendant, because, in their opinion, then the stone contributes to the harmonious development of personality.

Astrologers say that this gem cannot be worn only by people born under the sign of Aries – it makes them arrogant and arrogant. The rest of the signs of the zodiac can be worn. Crocoite beads will especially help the fish.

Talismans and amulets

Crocoit is a talisman of creative people. He attracts success, fame and recognition to them.

Interesting – from the story

In 1766, Petersburg professor of chemistry IG Leman described a new mineral found in the Urals at the Berezovsky mine, 15 kilometers from Yekaterinburg. Processing the stone with hydrochloric acid, Lehman obtained an emerald-green solution, and in the resulting white precipitate found lead. A few years later, in 1770, Berezovsky’s mines were described by academician P.S.Pallas. “Berezovsky mines,” he wrote, “consist of four mines that have been developed since 1752. Along with gold, silver and lead ores are mined in them, and they also find a wonderful red lead mineral that was not found in any other mine in Russia. This lead ore is of a different color (sometimes similar to the color of cinnabar), heavy and translucent. Sometimes the small irregular pyramids of this mineral are interspersed in quartz like small rubies. When grinding into powder, it gives a beautiful yellow paint … “. The mineral was called “Siberian red lead.” Subsequently, his name stuckcrocoite . A sample of this mineral was brought to Paris by the end of the 18th century by Pallas. Famous French chemist Louis Nicolas Vauclin became interested in Crocoite. In 1796, he subjected the mineral to chemical analysis. “All samples of this substance, which are available in several mineralogical cabinets of Europe,” wrote Vauclin in his report, “were obtained from this (Berezovsky) gold mine. Earlier, the mine was very rich in this mineral, however, it is said that several years ago, crocoite reserves in the mine were depleted and now this mineral is worth its weight in gold, especially if it is yellow.

Samples of the mineral, which do not have the correct shape or split into pieces, are suitable for use in painting, where they are valued for their yellow-orange color, which does not change in air. The beautiful red color, transparency and crystalline form of the Siberian red mineral made mineralogists interested in its nature and the place where it was found; a large proportion and the accompanying lead ore, naturally, made it necessary to assume the presence of lead in this mineral. ”In 1797, Vauclin repeated the analysis. The crocoite, ground into powder, was placed in a solution of potassium carbonate and boiled. As a result of the experiment, the scientist obtained lead carbonate and a yellow solution, which contained the potassium salt of an unknown then acid. When mercury salt was added to the solution, a red precipitate formed, after reaction with lead salt, a yellow precipitate appeared, and the introduction of tin chloride stained the solution green. After precipitation of lead with hydrochloric acid, Voklen evaporated the filtrate, and the separated red crystals (it was hexavalent chromium oxide) mixed with coal, placed in a graphite crucible and heated to a high temperature. When the experiment was completed, the scientist discovered in the crucible a number of gray accrete metal needles, weighing 3 times less than the original substance. So for the first time a new element was allocated – chrome. The scientist discovered in the crucible a multitude of gray accretes metal needles, weighing 3 times less than the original substance. So for the first time a new element was allocated – chrome. The scientist discovered in the crucible a multitude of gray accretes metal needles, weighing 3 times less than the original substance. So for the first time a new element was allocated – chrome.

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