Monthly Archives: February 2020

Almandine Stone

Almandine Stone and its Properties | Mineralogy of Almandine

  • February 18, 2020

Almandine is a stone from the group of pomegranates. Due to the wide distribution in the world, almandine has long been known to man, and the name is ancient. As soon as a gem is used in jewelry! For several millennia, people have learned how to cut this solid mineral, and polish cabochons, and cut relief miniatures on stone, and even choose cavities in jewelry inserts to weaken the color density of the product.

Almandine is a well-studied mineral. Five hundred years ago, when the dark garnet was called the Alabandian carbuncle, George Agricola decided to simplify the name of the stone as almandine. One and a half thousand years before Agricola, Pliny was eyeing the same mineral, and even attempted to describe the precious gem. However, the almandine stone kept its properties secret, and did not reveal secrets to the ancient scientist…

Mineralogy of Almandine

Like any garnet, almandine is a metal silicate. The formula for crimson crystals is Fe3Al2 (SiO4) 3. Depending on the concentration of iron, the stone changes color and transparency.

A noble pomegranate is called almandine of bright red color with a pronounced purple tint. Natural crystals of noble pomegranate are very decorative: a complex twenty-four-sided shape reminds of chiseled beads.

However, the size of almandine crystals often exceeds the standard sizes of beads. Raw jewelery stones can be up to five centimeters in diameter. Unsuitable crystals for processing (fractured, opaque) are even larger. The black almandine was mined by the Norwegians. In America, at the Smithsonian Institution, gems of excellent quality, each tens of carats in weight, are stored.

Gem deposits

Like Siriam garnet, almandine is mined in Myanmar. Nearby, in Sri Lanka, hand-scattered placers give the most beautiful almandines in a deep red tone. Good gems come from Karelia and Siberia. In Sweden, brown almandines are found. Finnish stones are saturated with rutile fibers and are famous for asterism. The mineral is mined in Africa, and in Greenland, and in Alaska – and found even in Antarctica!

Terrestrial reserves of almandine stone are extremely large. And although high aesthetic properties of samples are not inherent in every field, the price of gem products has always been extremely democratic. The situation has not changed today.

Due to the relative cheapness, this semiprecious stone is practically not faked.

But a few centuries earlier…

In the past, they simply did not know how to distinguish an inexpensive almandine from a precious ruby ​​(although a law discovered by Archimedes could help buyers). Centuries passed before artisans guessed to conduct a study of the relative hardness of minerals.

However, few people were interested in the accuracy of the examination at that time. The eternal problem – to buy almandine cheaper, sell more expensive – has overcome both jewelers and resellers. Then a fraudulent scheme came into play, when a thin almandine cabochon was glued onto a turned glass and the doublet was set in solid gold so that the traces of the fake were not striking.

Today, almandine stone is barely more expensive than pyrope. Therefore, the craftsmen, in order to take a decent pay, try to give the stones the most perfect shape.

Almandine jewelry

In most cases, commodity almandines (already faceted) do not exceed a mass of three carats. Therefore, jewelers of some countries, offering customers almandine cabochons, often offer to decorate them with carvings. The tradition of cutting cameo grenades for several hundred years, she is alive today. Usually carved almandines are custom made and, as a result, settle in private collections.

In jewelry, almandines are often combined with mother of pearl and river pearls, carnelian and dark amber… Almadins look great in a group. Bunches of grapes and broken pomegranate fruits made of red-brown cabochons do not lose their relevance for the fifth century in a row. Experts are sure: the combination of homogeneous stones in groups dramatically enhances the effect of the stone.

The magical properties of almandine

Aquarians and almandines are literally made for each other. The entire positive that this grenade is capable of initiating is accepted, absorbed, amplified and splashed by those around it!

The remaining signs of the zodiac are also not deprived of the “attention” of the almandine. The stone, behind which in ancient times was noticed the ability to revive fun at any ball, feast, celebration, has not lost its abilities today. Any almandine – especially bright, defect-free, and large – amuses society, stimulates sexual initiative, and adds decisiveness and courage to the owner.

In the literary chronicles of balls of the century before last, cases of almandine “busting” are also described. Men, inflamed by the beauty and imaginary accessibility of a coquettish lady, had a duel right in front of the front porch of the ballroom. What is characteristic, before what happened, they did not belong to inveterate duelists.

Needless to say, the ladies who caused the fuss fired were, as a rule, adorned with garnet diadems, necklaces, bracelets and belts. And among the multi-colored stones, the lion’s share fell on the almadins…

Serious esotericists believe that the natural magical properties of almadine are distorted by the centuries-old use of the gem as the causative agent of passion. With proper professionalism of the magician, the gem is able to provide communication with people who died a violent death many years ago. This is the innermost property of this mineral…

The healing properties of almadine

Crystals similar in color to freshly baked blood help heal recent injuries. Relieves – or rather, isolates, isolating – almandine and wound pain. However, such a radical effect of the stone does not last long, weakening day by day as the event recedes into the past.

The analgesic healing properties of almandine do not extend to old wounds, although the stone saves from phantom pains (variously uncomfortable sensations in the amputated limbs), weakening them to the level of tolerance.

The heart muscle, damaged as a result of overstrains and recent (again) heart attack, recovers faster if the patient wears an almandine talisman on his chest.

Daily visual contact with almandine helps to replace the melancholy mood with a positive worldview. However, overly long sessions should not be arranged. Enough fifteen minutes of admiring the jewelry or interior decoration of beautiful stone, so that the inexplicable sadness gradually disappeared.

alunite stone properties

properties of Alunite

Alunite – Moonstone of terrestrial origin | The magical properties of Alunite

  • February 18, 2020

For the Russian-speaking user, alunite is a mineral of Abkhaz-lunar origin. Lunar – because moonies, everything is clear here! Abkhazian – because all names in the Abkhazian language begin with “a”. Adjika, agastronomer, alunite. It’s logical!

In fact, alunite is not even remotely related to moonstone. The name of the mineral has French roots. Alun – in French “alum”. Therefore, alunite is an alum stone. Alum, as the complex sulfates of certain metals have long been called, is found in nature wherever hydrothermal activity is present (or has recently ceased).

True, industrial development of alunite deposits is not carried out wherever alum can be found.

Alunite deposits

Aqueous metal sulfates – most often aluminum and potassium (they also say “potassium alum”) – can be found on any continent. However, only six to eight deposits of Asia, America and Europe are used for volumetric mining of the mineral. Not all forms of bedding are convenient to extract. In addition, on an industrial scale, alum is more profitable to produce artificially.

Therefore, gemologists have a good opportunity to select high-quality crystals of alunite for the manufacture of jewelry.

In places of crystallized alunite occurrence, often useless accompanying rocks are often found. Together with alunite, intergrowths of pyrite crystals, quartz grains, and fragments of crystalline gypsum are found.

Alunite Jewelry

Alunite itself is not particularly beautiful. Its rhombic crystals are similar to diamond, but the low strength of the mineral (3.5-4 units on the Mohs scale) harms the preservation of the stone. The color of alunite in most cases resembles moonlight (what a coincidence!): Either blurry whitish, then dirty yellow, then bluish-gray, or even earthy in color, are usual for alum stone.

Some varieties of alunite give crystals of excellent jewelry quality. Possessing high transparency, such alunites easily face the most intricate facets, and, moreover, exhibit interesting optical effects. According to admiring owners, alunite glows in ultraviolet rays with a beautiful orange light. There are stones with a pronounced alexandrite effect.

Jewelry alunites can be pale green, purple, and reddish. Impurities absorbed by the sulfate solution before crystallization can make alunite unevenly colored and opaque. Such stones are cut in cabochons, used in decorating interiors.

Properties of alunite – in the service of man

Alunite is a chemically active mineral in all its variations. Direct contact of alum with tissues of biological origin leads to the denaturation (folding) of proteins in the contact zone. This property of alunite has long been exploited in medicine.

Alum stone is an excellent disinfectant for human skin and mucous membranes. Over the centuries, the use of alunite in the medical field has developed hundreds of methods to combat various diseases with the help of alum.

However, today rash recommendations on taking alunite inside are more and more common. Think Thrice Before Following Such Tips! Poisoning when swallowing alum is easier than curing!

Fashionable Alunite Deodorant

Most anti sweating cosmetics clog pores and mask the smell of cutaneous bacteria vital products with perfume scents. Alunite, when applied to the surface of the body, simply destroys the microflora – which eliminates the “aromatization” of wet armpits.

This is an infrequent case of the coincidence of fashion (in this case, everything natural) and practical expediency.

By the way, it is useful to have a container with alunite crumbs in the kitchen. A knife that smells of fish or garlic will lose its nuisance after immersion in alunite. Home magic? Undoubtedly!

The magical properties of alunite

Esoteric knowledge says: alunite is a mineral spiritually associated with the angelic corps. A person who turns his internal gaze to the alunite amulet must be ready for the reaction of rejection from the celestials. A mortal must walk on the earth! So say angels – and in that they help the younger brothers in spirit. Attempts to soar to the heights to the deadlines by the angels are thwarted – not without God’s will, of course.

Therefore, all magicians of the world alunite are used only to harmonize the forces acting directly on a person. It is important that the alunite amulet is located in a place hidden from idle glances. As a “harmonizer” of reality, alunite acts in a cramped space behind books on a shelf or in a drawer of a desk – but not on a mantelpiece or in a mineralogical display case.

Amblygonite Meaning


Amblygonite: beauty and fragility are the main properties of stone

  • February 14, 2020

Amblygonite is never brightly colored: such is its original property! Faceted amblygonite crystals by weight rarely exceed 10-15 carats – which does not prevent the stone from growing in suitable natural conditions to a mass of 200 tons!

Amblygonite is not common on retail stalls or in deposits. However, in the Ore Mountains of Germany he was found long ago. August Breitgaupt, studying samples of Saxon minerals, isolated and described amblygonite in the year 1817.

Variability is an important property of amblygonite

Translated from Greek, “amblygonite” means “obtuse.” Giving the stone such a name, A. Breitgaupt had large angles between the cleavage planes in mineral crystals. The chemical composition of amblygonite belongs to phosphates. The amblygonite formula looks like (Li, Na) Al [F | PO4], but its variability is an important property of the mineral.

In the molecular structure of amblygonite, the metals lithium and sodium are equivalent, but lithium prevails quantitatively. Ambigonite Stone is used in industry as lithium ore. A mineral with a large (relative to lithium) amount of sodium is called natroambligonite. Fluorine in the molecule can be replaced by a hydroxyl group. In this case, amblygonite is usually called montebrazite, at the place of detection of samples in France. A decrease in the amount of sodium in the composition is observed in amblygonites mined near the town of Hebron (USA). A sodium-free variety of the mineral is called hebronite.

Ambligonite has been discovered and mined in Brazil, in which oxidized phosphorus, in addition to lithium, is combined with iron. In honor of the discoverer of the mineral Elisario Tavor, the stone is called the tavorite. It is possible that in the future mineralogy will replenish with ambigonites of other compositions: the theory does not prohibit the occurrence of phosphorus oxide compounds with other elements.

Physical properties of amblygonite

Amblygonite forms short-columned crystals, often fusing into a continuous massif or into a granular drusen (brush). Ambigonite color is expressed restrained or absent altogether. In addition to white and colorless, amblygonite is yellowish, gray with blue, greenish, turquoise, violet or pink.

Transparent crystals of amblygonite are cut. Opaque and translucent amblygonites are used for the manufacture of collection items and all kinds of crafts. Fractured, but dense amblygonites with marked zoning of color can be faceted with cabochons and beads.

The cost of products from amblygonite

Ambigonite of ornamental quality is inexpensive. Jewelry ambigonites are not found in every deposit: stones come to the masters only from isolated deposits. A well-cut amblygonite comes from Namibia: this stone has a fairly saturated violet color, inherent in the best varieties of Persian lilac. Ambigonite products from Brazil are famous for their distinctive golden hue. Large gems from these deposits are rare and expensive. The most common colors of amblygonite are blurry green, yellow and blue tones. Stones of even impeccable faceting (a rarity for third-world artisans) coming from Thailand and Africa are estimated at around 10-20 dollars per carat

. Five (or more) more expensive amblygonite inserts made in Italy, Germany, Japan, and Brazil. The highest quality of processing eliminates noticeable natural defects of the stone.

Diamond luster – a rare property of Anatase stone

anatase crystal meaning

Diamond luster – a rare property of anatase stone | Anatase Healing Crystal

  • February 13, 2020

The person, who first saw the layered blue anatase, hardly believes in the natural origin of the stone. The voluminous rhombus, beautifully outlined by the transverse planes of gentle pastel shades, gives the impression of a man-made product.

However, colorless (more precisely, almost colorless: the minimum color of the stone is still present) is even more beautiful anatase. Even without being faceted, this gem sparkles and shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow, not surpassing, but approaching in beauty to a diamond.

Incidentally, it was the amazing optical properties of anatase that inspired scientists to create artificial jewelry – cubic zirconia – which is a synthetic analogue of a natural mineral.

Physical properties of anatase

In the chemical aspect, anatase is titanium dioxide TiO2. Crystallization of oxidized titanium under various conditions gives as many as three minerals – related to each other, but still different. The usual natural form of titanium oxide is rutile and brookite. Anatase, which differs from mineral counterparts in the form of crystals, is less common in deposits.

The difference in the crystalline “packing” of atoms generally changes the light transmission of a substance. This is why anatase happens to be blue, while rutile is reddish and brookite is brown.

The anatase crystalform is the dipyramidal octahedron. Renee Just Gayui, who examined the stone in 1801, found such a form worthy of perpetuation, and gave the mineral a modern name. “Anatasis”, translated from ancient Greek, means “elongated, oblong.”

Beautiful anatase is rare

Among the masters of the processing of semi-precious stone, it became customary to call anatase a stone of blue tones of varying degrees of transparency and uniformity. In mineralogical collections, crystals that are opaque to complete blackness and translucent anatases of cold greenish, as well as warm reddish-brown shades are used.

The natural size of crystalline anatase usually does not exceed ten millimeters. Large specimens of rhomboid anatase are especially valued by buyers. The smooth edges of the stone shine very much, but anatase crystals often have defects: cracks, inclusions, formation defects.

In the Swiss Alps, quite large anatases of a beautiful yellow tone are found. In Poland, near the border with the Czech Republic, anatases 5-6 cm in size are found. Each mountainous country in the world boasts its own anatases – but almost no anatases are suitable for jewelry processing.

Anataz: a stone far from jewelry quality

Bright shine and pronounced dispersion are characteristic of transparent anatases. In deposits, such stones are found in single quantities, and they are small in size. Theoretically, after cutting from natural slightly colored anatase, an insert of no more than one or two carats can be obtained.

Moreover! There are rumors in the jewelry environment that someone has personally seen faceted anatases of excellent quality weighing six carats – however, these legends do not find clear evidence. It is only known that anatase crystal suppliers of the best collection quality collect semiprecious stones in diamond placers of Yakutia and Brazil. Collectible – but not jewelry!

Beautifully colored dipyramidal (rhomboid) anatases become an expensive commodity. However, the attempts of amateur masters to adapt the frame and suspension to the stone end with the destruction of anatase.

Properties and Virtues of Sapphire